Particles for optional perfusion diagnosis

Perfusion analysis in animal models (e.g. myocardial infarction) is currently determined by using fluorescent particles or dyes that are injected into circulation. They distribute throughout all blood vessels and stain them permanently. Thus it is possible to distinguish areas that are supplied with blood and those that are not. Since the dyes are long-lasting in the tissues they interfere with subsequent methods of analysis. A model animal that is used for perfusion analytics can therefore only be used for this specific analytical method.
The present invention overcomes these drawbacks by injecting non fluorescent inert particles that are the first component of an orthogonal system. After perfusion with these particles, the second component is added to frozen tissue sections of interest. Thus, perfusion analysis is solely performed on a selected tissue section, without any limitations for the remaining tissue.
This approach allows a background-free subsequent tissue analysis, optimizes data harvest, is economic and reduces animal consumption.

Further information: PDF

Bayerische Patentallianz GmbH
Phone: +49 89 5480177-0

Peer Biskup

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