Seminars Workshops

At the speed of light

New STEM workshop series at Constructor University. How to measure the speed of light? Is there a mechanism behind coincidences? And how does symmetry work? The meerMINT initiative on the…

Workshop on climate-friendly roll-to-roll production technologies

In order to achieve the urgently needed climate neutrality in industry and the society as quickly as possible, energy requirements must be reduced and resources used more efficiently than before….

Translational Research Workshop: How to Improve Translational Medicine

The ForTra gGmbh for Research Transfer (subsidiary of the Else Kröner Fresenius Foundation) would like to invite to the 4th EKFS Translational Research Workshop on September 22 & 23, 2021…

NIH experts discuss post-acute COVID-19

Workshop provided venue for discussion. Many people who have COVID-19 make a full recovery and return to their baseline state of health; however, some people have symptoms or other sequelae…

Transatlantic Workshop: Cognitive Architectures for Robots

From March 22 to 28, 2021, the University of Bremen is hosting a virtual workshop on the interface between artificial intelligence, cognitive science, and neuroscience. The TransAIR project deals with…

Biomedical research continues to develop rapidly – resources to be pooled in MV

On Monday, October 8, 2018, scientists from the Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology in Dummerstorf, Germany, invite to an international workshop on…

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