Machine Engineering

Machine engineering is one of Germany’s key industries. The importance of this segment has led to the creation of new university degree programs in fields such as production and logistics, process engineering, vehicle/automotive engineering, production engineering and aerospace engineering among others.

innovations-report offers informative reports and articles covering technologies such as automation, motion, power train, energy, conveyor, plastics, lightweight construction, logistics/warehousing, measurement systems, machine tools and control engineering.

Drawing water from dry air

Device developed by Utah engineers with Army funding harvests water from atmosphere, even in arid places. Earth’s atmosphere holds an ocean of water, enough liquid to fill Utah’s Great Salt…

A new dimension

Makino and Fraunhofer ILT expand the possibilities of Additive Manufacturing. Makino and the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT are using EHLA and EHLA3D to redefine the boundaries of Additive…

More robust gears for reliable transmissions in wind turbines – with “GEARFORM”

Eliminating damages in offshore wind turbines is very expensive. When turbines are idle due to defective transmissions, repairs often require special cranes – high waves, strong winds, and poor visibility…

Einstein Telescope launches new era in astronomy

It’s still just a plan, but a new telescope could soon be measuring gravitational waves. Gravitational waves are something like the sound waves of the universe. They are created, for…

Creating One-of-a-kind Pieces for Space Travel Using 3D Printing

Great success for the research group led by Prof. Dr. Dr.-Ing. Yilmaz Uygun at Constructor University Bremen: The start-up “NebulaForm”, which emerged from the group, has been accepted into the…

Graphene gets cleaned up

Columbia Engineers link oxygen to graphene quality and develop new techniques to reproducibly make the wonder material at scale. Graphene has been called “the wonder material of the 21st century.”…

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