Studies and Analyses

innovations-report maintains a wealth of in-depth studies and analyses from a variety of subject areas including business and finance, medicine and pharmacology, ecology and the environment, energy, communications and media, transportation, work, family and leisure.

Large genetic study on severe COVID-19

Whether or not a person becomes seriously ill with COVID-19 depends, among other things, on genetic factors. With this in mind, researchers from the University Hospital Bonn (UKB) and the…

Silent flight edges closer to take off

The study, published today in Journal of Fluid Mechanics, reveals for the first time how noise is generated and propagated from these engines, technically known as boundary layer ingesting (BLI)…

Evolution of tuberculosis – in new light

The evolution of TB, the earliest confirmed presence of the causative agents in human remains. Recent research suggests that the emergence of tuberculosis infection in human populations dates back tens…

E-Scooter Accidents: More Helmets and Less Speed Reduce the Injury Risk

A team from the Vehicle Safety Institute at TU Graz has used Human Body Models to investigate accidents involving electric scooters and identified the most important factors for preventing serious…

New insights into how the human brain organises language

Leipzig scientists publish largest meta-analysis on language processing to date. A new study has provided the first clear picture of where language processes are located in the brain. The findings…

Genetic evidence shows that smoking can cause us to age faster

A study of nearly 500,000 people has shown that smoking shortens the end fragments of chromosomes in the white blood cells of our immune systems. The length of these end…

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