Life & Chemistry

A Dungeness crab (Metacarcinus magister) rests in the shadows near a rocky reef. Image Credit: Pat Webster @underwaterpat
Life & Chemistry

Marine Species Vulnerable to Climate Change, New Study Reveals

New paper clearly classifies most at-risk species to help California fisheries managers prioritize efforts  Dungeness crab, Pacific herring, and red abalone are among the marine species most vulnerable to the…

Thomas Karikari, Ph.D. Image Credit: UPMC
Life & Chemistry

New Biomarker Test Detects Alzheimer’s Earlier, Pitt Study Finds

Years before tau tangles show up in brain scans of patients with Alzheimer’s disease, a biomarker test developed at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine can detect small amounts…

Gas transport through a metal cluster-containing crystalline solid.Hydrogen and carbon monoxide travel at different speeds due to their molecular size relative to the size of nanoscale tunnels in the structure. While hydrogen binds reversibly, carbon monoxide binds irreversibly and distorts the original crown-motif of the platinum and gold atoms into a chalice-motif. Image Credit: Tokyo Metropolitan University
Life & Chemistry

Gas Adsorption Insights on Platinum and Gold Nanotunnels

Understanding gas diffusion in nanoscale voids key to new gas technologies  Tokyo, Japan – Researchers from Tokyo Metropolitan University have elucidated how hydrogen and carbon monoxide is adsorbed into solids…

Life & Chemistry

UC Davis Researchers Complete Total Synthesis of Ibogaine

Discovery creates opportunities to study therapeutic properties of ibogaine and related compounds  Ibogaine — a psychoactive plant derivative — has attracted attention for its anti-addictive and anti-depressant properties. But ibogaine…

The female receives a dead insect as a gift from the male during mating. The gift provides the female with the necessary protein to produce eggs. If the male arrives empty-handed, he is rejected. Image Credit: Tom Houslay
Life & Chemistry

Male Flies Sharpen Eyesight to Outwit Females

With bloated bellies and hairy legs, female flies try to look bigger to get food from courting mates. But male flies, in turn, have sharpened their eyesight to call their…

Schematic model depicting single molecule DNA translocating through a nanoprecipitated nanopore. Image Credit: Makusu Tsutsui
Life & Chemistry

Electrical Control of Nanopore Diameter: Shut the Nano Gate!

Researchers from SANKEN (The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research), at Osaka University develop a versatile electrically controlled nanogate that can be tailored for specific molecules  A gate that can…

Spontaneous cellular self-assembly into a dual-layer BBB using cerebrovascular-specific bioink and 3D bioprinting technology. Image Credit: POSTECH
Life & Chemistry

Self-Assembling Blood Vessels: New Hope for Alzheimer’s Treatment

A 3D model accurately mimicking the Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) in a laboratory environment has been successfully developed by research teams led by Professor Jinah Jang from the Departments of Mechanical…

Postdoctoral position at Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology, Uppsala University. Image Credit: Mikael Wallerstedt
Health & Medicine

CAR-T Cells Empower Bystander T Cells Through Trogocytosis

Engineered immune cells called CAR-T cells are used in the treatment of cancer. Researchers from Uppsala University have now discovered that CAR molecules can be transferred from the CAR-T cells…

Improved Treatment Timing Cuts Honey Bee Losses to Varroa Mites
Life & Chemistry

Improved Treatment Timing Cuts Honey Bee Losses to Varroa Mites

Honey bee mortality can be significantly reduced by ensuring that treatments for the parasitic Varroa mite occur within specific timeframes, a new study reveals  Honey bee mortality can be significantly…

Adding the noble gas xenon when manufacturing digital memories enables a more even material coating even in small cavities. This is shown by Professor Henrik Pedersen and his research group at Linköping University. Image Credit: Olov Planthaber
Life & Chemistry

Enhancing Digital Memories Using Noble Gases

The electronics of the future can be made even smaller and more efficient by getting more memory cells to fit in less space. One way to achieve this is by…

DMII Catalyst Transforms Li–Air Batteries for Extended Lifespans
Life & Chemistry

DMII Catalyst Transforms Li–Air Batteries for Extended Lifespans

Redox mediator improves performance and lifespan of Li-O2 batteries Lithium–air batteries have the potential to outstrip conventional lithium-ion batteries by storing significantly more energy at the same weight. However, their…

Exploring Cell Death and Aging in Cancer Research
Life & Chemistry

Exploring Cell Death and Aging in Cancer Research

A drug could induce programmed cell death in senescent cells expressing SASP factors. Image Credit: Osaka Metropolitan UniversityLatest findings on the significance and interaction between cell death and cellular senescence…

Electrochemical setup for CO2 reduction with nickel-copper catalyst
Environmental Conservation

CO₂ Reduction in Exhaust Gases Breathes Life into Earth’s Climate

To protect the climate, the aim is to recover CO₂ from combustion processes for use as valuable materials. This is challenging because exhaust gases contain not only CO₂ but also…

Covalent Organic Framework COF-999 structure for CO2 absorption
Life & Chemistry

A Breath of Fresh Air: Advanced Quantum Calculations Enable COF-999 CO₂ Adsorption

Quantum chemical calculations at HU enable the development of new porous materials that are characterized by a high absorption capacity for CO2 Climate experts agree: To overcome the climate crisis,…

Cichlids practicing brood care in 3D-printed snail shells
Life & Chemistry

Time to Leave Home? Revealed Insights into Brood Care of Cichlids

Shell-dwelling cichlids take intense care of their offspring, which they raise in abandoned snail shells. A team at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence used 3D-printed snail shells to…

Illustration of RNA modifications contributing to fungal drug resistance
Health & Medicine

Tackling Life-Threatening Fungal Infections Using RNA Modifications

Importance of RNA modifications for the development of resistance in fungi raises hope for more effective treatment of fungal infections. An often-overlooked mechanism of gene regulation may be involved in…
