phoenix|x-ray´s X-ray systems offer highest level of safety for users, samples and environement

Manipulation unit of an ndt|analyser with X-ray tube

Wunstorf/Germany, November 2003. The conditions for the physical and the ecological safety of industrial installations have increased during the last couple of years. phoenix|x-ray, manufacturer of highly resolving microfocus and nanofocusTM X-ray inspection sys-tems has always been intent on staying below the legal limits though.

The latest contribution to avoid physical harm and unnecessary environmental stress was to implement Beryllium-free targets in all systems that are equipped with an open tube. This leads to more security for the operator because even the slightest chance of inhaling toxic components is being eliminated now even in the unusual case of breaking a target. Switching to a different target material even led to an additional benefit for the samples: The new target material acts as a filter which absorbs a certain part of the X-ray spectrum thus minimizes potential damages of the sample even after longer irradiation. It is emphasized that the image quality in concerns of contrast and sharpness is not being influenced though.

In addition, phoenix|x-ray has been using a special device called "Low Dose Mode" (LDM) in their systems for a long time. This means the sample is only being exposed to X-ray radiation for the time that is obligatory to achieve a proper image. During manipulation in the cabinet and as long as no live image is being produced the sample will not receive any radiation at all.

In order to furthermore avoid mechanical damage the system dispose of an active collision protection which prevent the sample and tube to touch each other. The active collision protection can be deactivated in order to achieve the highest possible magnification.

No need to mention that highest priority is being put on the safety and health of the users thus all systems from the benchtop version "bench|mate" to the ndt|analyser xl for oversized samples consist of fully radiation safe steel cabinets which are completely lined with lead and reduce the leakage radiation far below the legal standards. The ergonomic operation unit and antiglare TFT monitors prevent fatigue eyes and back aches.

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