New EPLAN Version 1.9 debuts

Flexibilityle with real-world, customer-driven features – This is what defines the latest release of the EPLAN Platform, version 1.9, being introduced at the Hanover Fair. A great deal of customer feedback has been taken into consideration since the initial launch of the platform in 2006.

These suggestions have resulted in a myriad of new functions being incorporated into Version 1.9 to enhance the intuitiveness, and productivity for all users, regardless of their experience level with EPLAN products. The strengths of the entire portfolio – EPLAN Electric P8, EPLAN Fluid and EPLAN PPE – are now available for every level of proficiency and provide operatorsusers with the right amount of multi-level support. Here are a few highlights.

Flexible parts management – also on an SQL server

In addition to the commercial and technical components data, the EPLAN parts management feature now stores logical function descriptions, too. New individual classification attributes have streamlined the design, control and analysis of devices for maximum efficiency. There is additional support in the component search: all characteristics stored in parts management can be used to define special tree and search structures. Users can navigate directly to the matching device without having to use complex filter and search operations. Of course, official classification systems such as eCl@ss are fully supported. For large parts inventories, parts management can be operated directly through an SQL server. This results in extremely short access times and enables simultaneous, multi-user access by different project participants.

Redlining – fast, accurate modifications

The ability to transfer modified data from the manufacturing and assembly space into project documentation produces a crucial competitive advantage that also pays off in areas like service and maintenance. With EPLAN’s new redlining function, all documentation can be converted to PDF format and subsequently made available for review and modification. What makes this feature so compelling is that modifications can be re-imported as graphic elements into the original EPLAN project. Apart from this capability to import changes from external sources into the schematic diagram, PDF comments are displayed in a navigator with a direct jump function into the diagram. The EPLAN user has direct access to all data and can decide immediately whether a particular modification should be incorporated or not. All data is managed neatly and efficiently, allowing users to have high-quality machinery and plant documentation.

Performance levels – freedom to choose

The increasing sophistication of automation technology is demanding more and more from CAE systems. As a result, high-end systems have become enormously powerful and full-featured. Many users don’t require all of this functionality. For a novice user, such feature abundance can be overwhelming. Ideally, each user should be able to raise or lower the level of sophistication to suit their needs. That becomes a reality with two trailblazing features introduced in Version 1.9. Each user chooses the system level to suit their degree of familiarity or the requirements of a particular assignment. At startup, the user chooses one of three proficiency levels. At the entry level, only essential functions are available and displayed as clearly laid out menu items. That shortens the learning curve considerably. Basic steps are learned quickly and intuitively. The user becomes comfortable with the system more quickly and makes fewer mistakes. Once the user completes a few projects and becomes familiar with the software, he or she can switch to the advanced configuration and become familiar with a larger range of functions before eventually graduating to the expert mode. Each level has more functions and hence more workflow options for project planning. But there is even more – within the user rights management field, the system configuration can be set to match the tasks of individual employees. These customized settings create a myriad of potential configurations that display only those options and functions for which the user has access rights. The user can begin working productively, immediately, with the right set of tools and with minimal distraction rather than trying to understand functions and features that s, which have no relevance to their task. It just makes life simpler.

From practical experience, for practical applications

Two years ago, the launch of the EPLAN Platform generated tremendous excitement at the Hanover fair. The platform consists of three products – EPLAN Electric P8, EPLAN Fluid and EPLAN PPE – based on this universal database. The many innovations now being introduced in Version 1.9 of the platform are reflected in all three products, so users benefit from integrated data handling across their entire process. Version 1.9 is the third major release of the platform. EPLAN Software & Service says of Version 1.9 that it’s ”based on practical experience, made for practical applications” – this is more than just a slogan! The development of Version 1.9 focused on issues highlighted in the feedback that was received from customers. The result is a stalwart, solid engineering solution that doesn’t just excite technology enthusiasts and beta testers, but performs masterfully in real-world mechanical and plant engineering applications as well. EPLAN’s goal is to maintain the long-term productivity of customers and to give them a critical competitive advantage in engineering.

Minor revisions – March 13, 2008 (PR Toolbox – Toronto)

EPLAN Software & Service

EPLAN Software & Service is a software provider for global engineering solutions. All advanced development work centers around efficient workflows and process support. Customers benefit from effective support through a broad range of services, including training, consulting and customer solutions. With some 18,000 customers and 60,000 installations worldwide, this German-based company has been demonstrating the success of its consistent practical orientation and international presence for more than 20 years. As a Rittal subsidiary and part of the Friedhelm Loh Group, the name EPLAN Software & Service has become synonymous with durability and investment security.

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