Monoclonale Antibodies: Anti-human Chemokine Receptor 5 (CCR5 / CD195);anti-CCR5-pSer 337 (PKC-site); mAbanti-CCR5-pSer349 (GRK site)

Scientists at the Georg-August-University Göttingen produced different monoclonal antibodies directed against phosphorylation sites of CCR5. These antibodies have been demonstrated to exclusively recognise CD195 phosphorylated at Ser 337 or Ser 349. Human CD195 is a member of the G protein coupled superfamily of receptors, which acts as a receptor for a member of chemokines including RANTES and also serves as a co-receptor for the entry of HIV into cells. It plays a key role in regulating the activation and migration of leukocytes. CD195 is expressed by a subset of T-lymphocytes and by monocytes. Using these antibodies e.g. in combination with our indicator cell line ligand induced phosphorylation or dephosphorylation of CCR5 can be directly measured without using more indirect indicators like Ca++ concentrations.
This principle can be extended to measure activation states of G protein coupled receptors or activity of GPCR kinases generally, e.g. when screening for new agonists, antagonists or GRK inhibitors.

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Dr. Jens-Peter Horst

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