Production of microparticles with a micromixer

Microparticles are particles in which an active agent is immobilized by means of a shell or coating. As a rule, the coating or shell is made of a cross-linked polymer. Microparticles already are used for many applications in areas in which an active agent must be continuously released.<br><br>

The invention at hand enables a continuous process for the production of microparticles. The coating material (polymer) and active agent are mixed continuously with a cross-linking agent within a micromixer. With this, very effective mixing of the components is achieved, and this mixing enables the formation of particles with diameters under 50 µm with relatively homogenous size distribution. The average size of the particles obtained can be easily controlled by variations of the solid percentage of the single components in the solutions and by modified flow rates to the micromixer.

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Dr. Peter Stumpf

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