Lactocepin in the treatment of IP-10 mediated inflammatory diseases

The treatment of IP-10 mediated inflammatory diseases, especially inflammatory bowel diseases, is hampered by lack of treatment effects in some patients and a high frequency of adverse effects by current treatment approaches using steroids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or immunosuppressants. Probiotic therapy is a new approach in order to reach this goal and has been shown to be effective in the context of many inflammatory diseases. Nevertheless, the underlying protective mechanisms and bacterial structural components are unknown, hampering the pharmaceutical use of probiotics.

<br> Lactocepins can be used as a pharmaceuticals or food supplement in the prevention and therapy of chemokine (IP-10)-mediated inflammatory disorders. Importantly, neutralization of IP-10 by an anti-IP-10 antibody has been shown to be an effective treatment in the context of experimental colitis and is currently investigated in a phase II clinical study, suggesting that selective cleavage of this proinflammatory chemokine by lactocepin is of high potential in the prevention and treatment of IP-10 mediated inflammatory diseases.

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