Cell line from pregnant bovine uteri – in vitro assays for the detection of disorders of pregnancy-related processes

The present maternal caruncular epithelium cell line allows for novel and specific in vitro in-vestigations concerning the physiology and pathology of reproduction in cattle.<br>

At present, all studies on disorders of pregnancy related processes in the placenta are only performed in vivo, exclusively via a localization of marker proteins at both the protein- and mRNA-level. As material, samples are used (primarily post mortem) which contain as well maternal but also fetal parts, since a separation of both tissues is difficult to achieve be-cause of the strong mechanical anchorage of both tissues. Due to the size of the species cattle and their long pregnancy (9 month), functional studies on disorders are rarely per-formed, since expenditure of time and consequently costs are very high.<br> The new cell line from maternal caruncular epithelium cells of pregnant cattle therefore pro-vides a considerable improvement of diagnostics.

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