Acoustically active drug delivery system for targeted tumor therapy

Targeted drug delivery is an important prerequisite for effective treatment of tumors. Some of the technologies available today are invasive or cause significant adverse side effects. The novel soft-shelled phospholipid microbubbles technology (SPMB) allows safe and convenient

intravenous application of anticancer drugs. The SPMBs are prior to application loaded with anticancer drugs, and then able to reach the even more distant tissues and organs. On the site of disease, such microbubbles can be first visualized by low-intensity diagnostic ultrasound and aid the localization of the tumor target. Then drug release can be triggered by increasing the ultrasound intensity. Moreover, the released energy of MB “bursting” opens small gaps in capillary walls and promotes the extravasation of the resulting drug-bearing shell fragments, which can then deliver their active load to the tumor cells.

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