Researchers contribute to debate on socio-economic challenges of seaside towns and coastal areas

The conference, which builds on the initiative of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and the conference on rural areas held in Skegness in July 2006, will take place on 24 and 25 May 2007 at the Lansdowne Place Hotel, Brighton, East Sussex.

Organised by Pavilion Publishing, the conference aims to: consider the social, cultural and health impacts of socio-economic transitions and the effects that such changes have on public services in seaside towns and coastal areas; develop a dialogue between academics, politicians, policy-makers, statutory agencies, regional partnerships and agencies interested in the needs of seaside towns and coastal communities; and identify practical solutions in tackling the needs of these communities.

The University of Kent speakers are: Professor Andy Alaszewki, Director of the Centre for Health Service Studies (CHSS), who will chair the first day; Dr Ann Palmer (CHSS) who will speak on health inequalities; Jenny Billings (CHSS) and Jan McVarish (CHSS) who will speak on teenage pregnancy; and Dr Charles Watters from the European Centre for the Study of Migration and Social Care who will speak on migration.

Professor Alaszewki said: ‘The distinctive challenges and opportunities of seaside towns and coastal areas – from urban renewal to transport and access problems – have been relatively neglected in both academic and policy debates. This conference will bring together a range of experts to examine the varied approaches and imaginative solutions to these opportunities and challenges.’

Other speakers include: Roger De Haan, businessman; Alan McCarthy, Chief Executive, Brighton and Hove City Council; and Lord Steven Bassam, Government Spokesperson for Transport, Home Office, DCLG and Attorney General’s Office in the House of Lords.

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