Untying the Packaging Material of DNA

Chromatin is a complex of DNA and proteins that enables chromosomes to be packed into the cell nucleus. Considering that the DNA in a human cell can extend to about 2 meters and a nucleus is about 5-10 micrometers across, this is no mean feat. While it is mainly known for its packaging properties, chromatin has many other functions.

On February 4-6, EML Research, together with scientists from the University of Heidelberg and the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg, will host a “Biophysics of Chromatin” workshop at the Villa Bosch Studio in Heidelberg.

More than fifty theoreticians and experimentalists from eight countries will discuss the state of the art in biophysical properties, function and interactions of chromatin fiber at different length and time scales. Leaders in the field and younger scientists will come together for informal discussions on how to push the boundaries of our understanding of thesetopics. The invited speakers will present work in progress and discuss speculative ideas. The program also includes poster sessions and contributed talks.

The organizers from EML Research are Georgi Pachov and Dr. Rebecca Wade.

Scientific contact:
Dr. Rebecca Wade
Molecular and Cellular Modeling Group
EML Research gGmbH
Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 33
69118 Heidelberg
Phone: +49 (0)6221 – 533 – 247
Press Contact:
Dr. Peter Saueressig
EML Research gGmbH
Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Tel: +49-6221-533-245
Fax: +49-6221-533-198
EML Research
The EML Research gGmbH (www.eml-research.de) is a non-profit institute conducting research in Information Technology and its applications. A strong focus is set on computational biology. Research is carried out in close collaboration with universities and other research institutes. EML Research projects are supported by the Klaus Tschira Foundation (KTS) (www.kts.villa-bosch.de), as well as by the European Union, the German Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF) and by the German Research Foundation (DFG).

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