New parallel kinematic robot for industrial applications

The new concept, which is based on the parallel configuration of the robot's joints (“parallel robots”), is modular and easy to scale and has the inherent benefit of very low inertia of the moving robot parts.

This, together with high stiffness of joints and arms, makes it possible to build high-performance robots with respect to accuracy, speed, stiffness and mechanical bandwidth. A material removal prototype for fettling steel castings in small and medium-sized foundries will be demonstrated at AUTOMATICA 2008.

Force sensors are used for interactive intuitive calibration and programming as well as for process control. To demonstrate the modularity and scalability of the robot, a smaller desktop version of the robot will also be displayed.

* Responsible contact person:
Torgny Brogardh /ABB Robotics
Phone: +46 21 344391
Fax: +46 21 132 592
E-mail :
* Substitute contact person:
Walter Zulauf / Güdel AG
Phone: +41 62 916-9214
Fax: +41 62 916-9150

Media Contact

Hubert Grosser Fraunhofer Gesellschaft

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Machine engineering is one of Germany’s key industries. The importance of this segment has led to the creation of new university degree programs in fields such as production and logistics, process engineering, vehicle/automotive engineering, production engineering and aerospace engineering among others.

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