World Health Summit 2017: International experts set the course for the future of Global Health

Speakers will include several Ministers, Nobel Prize laureates, a Princess, and CEOs from the Private Sector and Civil Society.


• Elizabeth Blackburn (Nobel Prize laureate / President, Salk Institute for Biological Studies, USA )
• Karl Max Einhäupl (CEO, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany)
• Detlev Ganten (World Health Summit President, Germany)
• Bill S. Hansson (Vice President, Max Planck Society, Germany)
• Roger D. Kornberg (Nobel Prize laureate / Stanford University School of Medicine, USA)
• Peter Piot (Director, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK)
• Lothar H. Wieler (President, Robert Koch Institute, Germany)
• Otmar Wiestler (President, Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres, Germany)


• Hanan Mohamed Al-Kuwari (Minister of Public Health, Qatar)
• Adalberto Campos Fernandes (Minister of Health, Portugal)
• Francesca Colombo (Head of Health Division, OECD, France)
• Kuma Diriba (Mayor, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)
• Hermann Gröhe (Federal Minister of Health, Germany)
• Bernard Haufiku (Minister of Health, Namibia)
• Wolfgang Ischinger (Chairman, Munich Security Conference, Germany)

Private Sector

• Peter Albiez (CEO, Pfizer, Germany)
• Werner Baumann (CEO, Bayer AG, Germany)
• Christoph Franz (Chairman, Roche, Switzerland)
• Steven Hildemann (CMO / Head of Global Medical Affairs and Global Drug Safety, Merck, Germany)
• Neil Jordan (General Manager, Health Worldwide, Microsoft, USA)
• Carla Kriwet (CEO, Connected Care & Health Informatics, Royal Philips, USA)
• Thomas P. Laur (President, SAP Health, SAP SE, USA)

Civil Society

• Christine Beerli (Vice President, International Committee of the Red Cross, Switzerland)
• Katie Dain (CEO, NCD Alliance, UK)
• Jeremy Knox (Policy Lead, Wellcome Trust, UK)
• Joanne Liu (International President, Doctors Without Borders, Switzerland)
• HRH Princess Dina Mired (President-Elect, Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), Jordan)
• Trevor Mundel (President, Global Health Division, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, USA)
• Peter Salama (Executive Director, Health Emergencies Programme, WHO)
• Elhadj As Sy (Secretary General, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Switzerland)
• Kevin Watkins (CEO, Save the Children, UK)

The central press conference will be held on Sunday, October 15, from 15:00-15:45 at Kosmos, Karl-Marx-Allee 131a, 10243 Berlin, Germany. Participants:

• Adalberto Campos Fernandes (Minister of Health, Portugal)
• Joanne Liu (International President, Doctors Without Borders, Switzerland)
• Roger D. Kornberg (Nobel Prize laureate / Stanford University School of Medicine, USA)
• Hélène Boisjoly (World Health Summit International President / Dean, Faculty of Medicine, University of Montreal, Canada)
• Detlev Ganten (World Health Summit President, Germany)

Central topics: Health Policy in the G7/G20, Vaccine Research and Development, Big Data for Health Governance, Global Health Security, Healthy and Resilient Cities, Creating Global Health Innovations with Africa, and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

The World Health Summit 2017 will be held from October 15-17 at Kosmos (Karl-Marx-Allee 131a) in Berlin. Under the high patronage of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, President of the Republic of France Emmanuel Macron and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, it is the premiere international platform for exploring strategic developments and decisions in the area of healthcare.

Information on speakers and topics of the World Health Summit 2017:

The World Health Summit is open to media representatives:

Press Contact:
Tobias Gerber
Tel.: +49 30 450 572 114

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Tobias Gerber idw - Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

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