Intelligent system for tilting trains

The Intelligent System for Integrated Tilting (ISIT), developed by rolling stock manufacturers CAF (Basque Country), is a tilting system which activates at the required moment and manages to reduce the centrifugal effect suffered by passengers when a train negotiates bends. Or, in other words:

  • Cuts journey times (26% on the Santiago-A Coruña run in Galicia)
  • Enhances passenger comfort
  • Anticipates the curved sections of track and eliminates delays
  • Always functions without distortions, in any circumstances, whatever the grade of track.

Thus, the Intelligent System for Integrated Tilting developed by CAF provides numerous advantages:

  • Cuts in at the required moment, because it continuously detects the exact position of the train on the line and knows the features thereof (curves, etc.)
  • Achieves maximum use of limits
  • Achieves an optimum inclination of the train body, with tilting of up to 8 degrees, depending on the geometry of the track and on the rest of traffic conditions
  • Takes up minimum space and is lighter in weight
  • It is clean and silent, contributing to improving the environment
  • Operates with both electric and diesel trains, making the ISIT system a versatile one
  • Reduces track maintenance requirements

In short, ISIT manages to provide a vehicle that takes curves at greater speed, because these bends are anticipated, thanks to an additional inclination of the body of the vehicle with respect to the track.

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Garazi Andonegi alfa

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