Young researchers to compete at the first global EURAXESS Science Slam

The EURAXESS Science Slam 2013 is the first edition of an annual global event that gives young researchers the opportunity to showcase their work and to engage with their peers and the wider public.

In 2013, the EURAXESS Science Slam series will take place at six locations across the globe – ASEAN, Brazil, China, India, Japan and North America, between 24 and 29 September and on 16 October (Japan).

The EURAXESS Science Slam invited young researchers currently residing in one of the EURAXESS Links regions to submit an original video featuring their research project. The submissions were then reviewed by a jury and assessed based on various criteria including accessibility of the topic, originality and presentation style.

Up to six finalists have been selected to compete in the final slam in each of the EURAXESS Links capitals next week. The finalists will be given 10 minutes each to present their science slam in front of an audience of 150 researchers and scientists from local universities and research institutes as well as a jury of experts. Each slam will be assessed by the audience and the panel of judges. The participant with the highest combined scores from each region will win a trip to the “Raising Researchers' Voices” conference in Brussels in November (further information:

The central management and coordination of EURAXESS Links Initiative has been commissioned to the Project Management Agency at the German Aerospace Center by the European Commission.


“EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion” is a pan-European initiative that addresses barriers to the mobility of researchers and seeks to enhance scientific collaboration between Europe and the world. The initiative strives to become the global support and career development tool for European and international researchers, not only for their mobility experience inside and outside Europe, but also for their social networking with researchers from all over the world. The EURAXESS family consists of 40 European countries and Links officers in six countries/regions across the globe.

About the Project Management Agency at DLR

The Project Management Agency at German Aerospace Center (DLR) is a specialized service provider for the facilitation of research, innovation and education. The covered spectrum of topics ranges from environment, culture, sustainability, health, education and key technologies to innovation and research transfer. With around 900 employees and the management of 10250 projects as well as over one billion Euros of research funds, the Project Management Agency at DLR is the largest institution of its kind in Germany. The agency supports the federal ministries with the implementation of research programmes and additionally works for the European Commission as well as other public institutions and private customers.


Dr Laura de la Cruz
Project Management Agency at DLR
European and International Cooperation
Tel. +49-(0)228 3821-2015
Weitere Informationen:
– Science slam, registration form
– Conference “Raising Researchers' Voices – opinions on jobs, careers and rights”
– Project Management Agency at DLR

Media Contact

Petra Richter idw

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