Clash of Realities – International Conference on the Art, Technology and Theory of Digital Games

Experts from the humanities, science and research, economics and politics will discuss current questions concerning the artistic design, technological development and social perception of digital games. For the sixth time and unique in Europe, this artistic-scientific research conference offers the opportunity for an interdisciplinary exchange which will generate synergies and provide an array of intellectual impulses.

Scholars, social scientists, game developers, specialists in education and media, up-and-coming creative talents, students and all those interested in and excited by digital games are invited.

The opening of this English language conference on November 3 will be marked by several Summits featuring specialized lectures, project presentations, panel discussions and workshops concerning the following themes:

• Beyond Reality! – New Perspectives in Game Development Summit
• Ethics in Digital Games – Games and Media Education Summit
• Creating Storyworlds – Film & Games Summit
• Teaching Game Studies – Game Studies Summit

On November 4, internationally renowned speakers, players and pioneers from education, research, media and creative industries will illuminate the thematic key subjects discussed in the Summits from transdisciplinary and multiperspectival approaches. The Clash of Realities Conference is organized by the Cologne University of Applied Sciences.

Responsible for the Clash of Realities concept and the program‘s presentation and design are the Cologne Game Lab and the Institut für Medienforschung und Medienpädagogik of the Cologne University of Applied Sciences, the ifs internationale filmschule köln GmbH, the Institut für Medienkultur und Theater of the University of Cologne, the Electronic Arts and AG Games. Supporter: Film und Medien Stiftung NRW.

The Cologne University of Applied Sciences is the largest of its kind in Germany. 23,000 students are taught by approximately 420 professors. CUAS offers some 80 courses – approximately half each in engineering sciences or humanities and social sciences: from architecture to electrical engineering and mechanical engineering, design, restoration, information science, languages and social work through to business law, media informatics and applied natural sciences. The Cologne University of Applied Sciences is a full member of the European University Association (EUA) and belongs to the UAS 7 association of German universities of applied sciences.

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