Current issues of explosion prevention – PTB and BAM shared exhibition space to provide information at PowTech

PTB and BAM shared exhibition space to provide information on current issues of explosion prevention and protection in Europe at the PowTech exhibition in Nuremberg from 27 to 29 March.

The manufacturers are responsible for observing the provisions of all EU Directives, which apply to any equipment being brought to market in Europe. Because this requires a clear and complete overview of the EU Directives, small and medium enterprises in particular, find this difficult to achieve.

Equipment must be explosion-protected if it is to be used in potentially explosive atmospheres. When liquids, dust and gases mixed with air are present, explosive mixtures may be produced and just a small ignition spark is sufficient to initiate an explosion of the mix.

The German industry still has problems in implementing the European Directive 94/9/EC (ATEX 100a respective ATEX 95) which came into force in 2003. Since this directive has been drafted in a general form, questions are frequently asked about its sphere of application, the requirements in special cases and the entire process of market access. Market access is only possible when the manufacturer has received or holds an EC declaration of conformity. This declaration attests that the product meets the legal minimum requirements of equipment safety. The manufacturer can then attach the CE label to the product.

These products are tested, assessed and certified by notified bodies such as PTB and BAM, who are both notified bodies within their area of competence in safety engineering.

Contact: Dr. Ulrike Rockland
Press spokeswoman
Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM)
Phone: +49 40 8104-1003

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