Unlocking the gate to the millisecond CT

Now a research team – led by Tohoku University Professor, Wataru Yashiro – has developed a new method using intense synchrotron radiation that produces higher…

FAU palaeobiologists investigate shrinking fossilised cephalopods

The extinction of the dinosaurs was not the first clear indication that changes in the environment and the climate have considerable effects on the biosphere….

Using artificial intelligence to determine whether immunotherapy is working

Scientists from the Case Western Reserve University digital imaging lab, already pioneering the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to predict whether…

The Brain Does not Follow the Head

The human brain is like a fish in an aquarium, floating inside the liquid-filled braincase – but filling it out almost completely. The relationship between the…

Gold makes invisible surfaces visible in CT

Scientists at the Universities of Cologne and Bonn and the Zoological Research Museum Alexander Koenig – Leibniz Institute for Animal Biodiversity in Bonn have…

Inselspital: Fewer CT scans needed after cerebral bleeding

Chronic subdural haematoma is bleeding between the brain and the skull, the intracranial space, usually following a head injury. It occurs predominately among…

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