carbon atom

UCLA engineers develop new metabolic pathway to more efficiently convert sugars into biofuels

The new pathway is intended to replace the natural metabolic pathway known as glycolysis, a series of chemical reactions that nearly all organisms use to…

KAIST announced a novel technology to produce gasoline by a metabolically-engineered microorganism

For many decades, we have been relying on fossil resources to produce liquid fuels such as gasoline, diesel, and many industrial and consumer chemicals for…

Turning Plastic Bags Into High-Tech Materials

The innovative nanotechnology uses non-biodegradable plastic grocery bags to make 'carbon nanotube membranes' – highly sophisticated and expensive materials…

A Tandem for Biomass

Biomass, which is useful as a supplement or replacement for petroleum, is processed in biorefineries and can be used as fuels or starting materials for the…

Researchers discover evidence to support controversial theory of 'buckyball' formation

Researchers at the Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute have reported the first experimental evidence that supports the theory that a soccer ball-shaped…

Engineers Make Golden Breakthrough to Improve Electronic Devices

Vikas Berry, William H. Honstead professor of chemical engineering, and his research team have studied a new three-atom-thick material — molybdenum disulfide…

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