carbon atom

Stanford Scientists Use DNA to Assemble a Transistor From Graphene

DNA is the blueprint for life. Could it also become the template for making a new generation of computer chips based not on silicon, but on an experimental…

Watching the production of new proteins in live cells

Researchers at Columbia University, in collaboration with biologists in Baylor College of Medicine, have made a significant step in understanding and imaging…

Researchers Optically Levitate a Glowing, Nanoscale Diamond

In a paper published this week in Optics Letters, they describe how they used a laser to trap nanodiamonds in space, and – using another laser – caused the…

Disorder can improve the performance of plastic solar cells, Stanford scientists say

To boost performance, research groups have tried creating new plastic materials that enhance the flow of electricity through the solar cell. Several groups…

A crystal of a different color

Chemists have unexpectedly made two differently colored crystals – one orange, the other blue – from one chemical in the same flask while studying a special…

Graphene ‘onion rings’ have delicious potential

Concentric hexagons of graphene grown in a furnace at Rice University represent the first time anyone has synthesized graphene nanoribbons on metal from the…

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