carbon atom

A step towards controlling spin-dependent petahertz electronics by material defects

Light waves perform several hundred trillion oscillations per second. Hence, it is natural to envision employing light oscillations to drive the electronic…

How to induce magnetism in graphene

Depending on the shape and orientation of their edges, graphene nanostructures (also known as nanographenes) can have very different properties – for example,…

Methane vanishing on Mars: Danish researchers propose new mechanism as an explanation

The processes behind the release and consumption of methane on Mars have been discussed since methane was measured for the first time for approx. 15 years ago….

Researchers teleport information within a diamond

“Quantum teleportation permits the transfer of quantum information into an otherwise inaccessible space,” said Hideo Kosaka, a professor of engineering at…

Researchers wild about zigzags

Graphene is a promising material for use in nanoelectronics. Its electronic properties depend greatly, however, on how the edges of the carbon layer are formed.

'Molecular movie' captures chemical reaction on atomic scale

A team of physicists from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Stanford University and Europe has captured the clearest glimpse yet of a photochemical reaction…

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