biological mechanism

Discovery points to new approach for diabetes therapy

The findings could offer a new approach to diabetes therapy, experts say, especially if a drug could be identified that would do the same thing, which in this…

REM sleep deprivation plays a role in chronic migraine

Paul L. Dunham, Ph.D. and his team at Missouri State University's Center for Biomedical & Life Sciences sought to understand the mechanisms by which sleep…

Scientists develop new method to identify glycosylated proteins

Many biological mechanisms like immune response, apoptosis or pathogenesis of diseases are based on the subsequent transformation of single components of…

Studies provide more support for health benefits of coffee

Although it is sometimes referred to as “the devil's brew,” coffee contains several nutrients (eg, calcium) as well as hundreds of potentially biologically…

New cancer drug screening technique more closely mirrors reality

Because these neighboring cells – key components of what is known as the “tumor microenvironment” – can alter the effectiveness of anti-cancer drugs, the new…

Research could lead to way to halt deadly immune response

Researchers have teased out the molecular process that can shut down a marauding, often deadly immune response that kills thousands each year who suffer…

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