biological mechanism

New artificial compound eye could improve 3D object tracking

If you've ever tried to swat a fly, you know that insects react to movement extremely quickly. A newly created biologically inspired compound eye is helping…

Possibilities of the biosimilar principle of learning are shown for a memristor-based neural network

Lobachevsky University scientists together with their colleagues from the National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute” (Moscow) and the National Research…

‘Red Effect’ sparks interest in female monkeys

“Previous research shows that the color red in a mating context makes people more attractive, and in the fighting context makes people seem more threatening…

Scientists identify gene linking brain structure to intelligence

The study is published today in Molecular Psychiatry and may help scientists understand biological mechanisms behind some forms of intellectual impairment. The…

Scientists find a new mechanism underlying depression

The World health Organization calls depression “the leading cause of disability worldwide,” causing more years of disability than cancer, HIV/AIDS, and…

How cells remodel after UV radiation

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine, with colleagues in The Netherlands and United Kingdom, have produced the first map…

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