biological mechanism

Hormone oxytocin bolsters childhood memories of mom's affections

Researchers at the Seaver Autism Center for Research and Treatment at Mount Sinai School of Medicine wanted to determine whether oxytocin, a hormone and…

Researchers 'grow Rett syndrome' in a Petri dish

The article, titled 'A Model for Neural Development and Treatment of Rett Syndrome Using Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells,' describes how the team used a…

Fat Sand Rats Are SAD Like Us

Saying goodbye to summer can be difficult for everybody. In some people the onset of winter triggers Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, a mood disorder in…

Studies provide new insights into the genetics of obesity and fat distribution

An international consortium has made significant inroads into uncovering the genetic basis of obesity by identifying 18 new gene sites associated with overall…

Developmental gene-environment interactions: A model for psychosis

The incidence of psychotic disorders varies greatly across places and demographic groups, as do symptoms, course, and treatment response across individuals….

New Tagging Technique Enhances View of Living Cells

The new technique, developed by a research team led by University of Illinois at Chicago assistant professor of chemistry Lawrence Miller, provides the…

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