Interdisciplinary Research

News and developments from the field of interdisciplinary research.

Among other topics, you can find stimulating reports and articles related to microsystems, emotions research, futures research and stratospheric research.

Foreign immune cells help critically ill patients against brain inflammation

A clinical trial under MHH leadership is testing a new therapy with immune cells against the JC virus. The aim is to cure the fatal disease PML. Human polyomavirus 2…

Consensus recommendations for imaging of coronary artery stenosis and atherosclerosis

An interdisciplinary team of clinicians and scientists has published a consensus paper recommending appropriate quantitative imaging techniques for coronary artery stenosis and atherosclerosis related treatment and procedural planning. Quantitative imaging…

New mechanism of cancer immune defense

An interdisciplinary team of researchers at the Otto-von-Guericke University in Magdeburg has gained new insights into how inflammatory mediators of pathogen defense can remotely drive cancer cells into death –…

A Potential New Therapeutic Approach for Curing Neurodegenerative Diseases

Reactivating Damaged Motor Neurons Using Magnetic Fields. Motor neurons in healthy individuals send signals to the skeletal muscles. ALS, however, is currently an incurable, neurodegenerative disease in which motor neurons…

Better search for the cause of hereditary diseases

So far, it has not been possible to explain the causes of around half of all rare hereditary diseases. A Munich research team has developed an algorithm that predicts the…

Deployable electrodes for minimally invasive craniosurgery

Stephanie Lacour’s specialty is the development of flexible electrodes that adapt to a moving body, providing more reliable connections with the nervous system. Her work is inherently interdisciplinary. So when…

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