unemployment rate

One in five suicides is associated with unemployment

Unemployment can drive people to suicide. Numerous studies have demonstrated that there is a relationship between unemployment and poor health and that (the…

Hartz IV reform did not reduce unemployment in Germany

The Hartz IV reform of the German labor market has been one of the most controversial reforms in the history of the reunited Federal Republic of Germany. It…

Economic crisis lowers birth rates

The economic crisis has put measurable pressure on birth rates in Europe over the last decade. On average, the more the unemployment rose, the greater the…

Poorer countries, countries that spend little on health-care have worse stroke outcomes

They are also more likely to die from a stroke within 30 days, have a stroke at a younger age or have a hemorrhagic stroke – a more severe type caused by a…

Downward Spiral: Amid Declining Home Prices and a Stagnant Market

As housing prices in the United States continue to drop, a Kansas State University professor says the best way to help the market is to stop delaying…

Stopping foreclosure delay will bring housing improvement, Kansas State study says

While negotiations continue between state attorneys general and banks over a settlement that looks at foreclosure practices, some of the settlement proposals…

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