Space Telescope

NASA telescopes take a close look at the brightest comet of 2018

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope photographed comet 46P/Wirtanen on Dec. 13, when the comet was 7.4 million miles (12 million kilometers) from Earth. In this…

Newly discovered adolescent star seen undergoing 'growth spurt'

A team of international researchers, including experts from the University of Exeter's Physics and Astronomy department, have observed a rare stellar outburst…

In search of missing worlds, Hubble finds a fast evaporating exoplanet

In fact, most of the known Neptune-sized exoplanets are merely “warm,” because they orbit farther away from their star than those in the region where…

Hubble reveals cosmic Bat Shadow in the Serpent's Tail

The Serpens Nebula, located in the tail of the Serpent (Serpens Cauda) about 1300 light-years away, is a reflection nebula that owes most of its sheen to the…

Superflares from young red dwarf stars imperil planets

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope is observing such stars through a large program called HAZMAT — Habitable Zones and M dwarf Activity across Time.

The faint glow of cosmic hydrogen

An international team from some ten scientific institutions has shown that almost the whole of the early universe shows a faint glow in the Lyman-alpha line….

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