single molecules

Danish chemists in molecular chip breakthrough

Danish Chinese collaboration behind breakthroughThe molecular integrated circuit was created by a group of chemists and physicists from the Department of…

Quantum computing moves forward

A sil­i­con chip lev­i­tates indi­vid­ual atoms used in quan­tum infor­ma­tion pro­cess­ing. Photo: Curt Suplee and Emily Edwards, Joint Quan­tum Insti­tute…

Graphene plasmonics beats the drug cheats

The breakthrough could allow for rapid and more accurate drug testing for professional athletes as it could detect the presence of even trace amounts of a…

Biosensors: Sweet and simple

Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) is a highly sensitive and versatile analytical tool that is widely used in biosensing applications. In conventional…

Catching the lightwave: Nano-mechanical sensors 'wired' by photonics

The work reported in an April 26 advance online publication of Nature Nanotechnology ushers in a new generation of tools for ultra-sensitive measurements at…

Rare Earth Elements Excite Protein Probes

Seeing what's going on inside living cells at the molecular level may reveal biological mechanisms and ultimately lead to more effective medicines. While…

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