Molecular Target

Researchers IdentifyKey Molecular Components Linking Circadian Rhythms and Cell Division Cycles

The researchers in the UC College of Medicine Department of Molecular and Cellular Physiology, led by Christian Hong, PhD, published their findings Monday,…

Fly eye wins scientific image contest

Karin Panser is a member of Andrew Straw’s group at the IMP Vienna. The team addresses the fundamental question of how the brain of a fruit fly functions. ‘We…

High Levels of Molecular Chlorine Found in Arctic Atmosphere

Molecular chlorine, from sea salt released by melting sea ice, reacts with sunlight to produce chlorine atoms. These chlorine atoms are highly reactive and can…

ERC-Consolidator Grant Awarded to Biochemist and Protein Crystallographer Professor Oliver Daumke

Biochemist and protein crystallographer Professor Oliver Daumke of the Max Delbrück Center (MDC) Berlin-Buch and Freie Universität (FU) Berlin has been awarded…

Keeping stem cells pluripotent

While the ability of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) to become any type of mature cell, from neuron to heart to skin and bone, is indisputably crucial to…

Battery development may extend range of electric cars

It's known that electric vehicles could travel longer distances before needing to charge and more renewable energy could be saved for a rainy day if…

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