living organisms

Designer cells: artificial enzyme can activate a gene switch

Nature relies on enzymes to accelerate energy-intensive biochemical reactions that are necessary for the preservation of life. However, natural enzymes are not…

3D images of cancer cells in the body: Medical physicists from Halle present new method

Clinicians and scientists are in need of a better understanding of cancer cells and their properties in order to provide targeted cancer treatment. Individual…

Entomologist discovers millipede that comes in more color combinations than any other

The thumb-sized millipede that crawls around the forest floor of Southwest Virginia's Cumberland Mountains has more color combinations than any other millipede…

Fraunhofer IMWS tests environmentally friendly microplastic alternatives in cosmetic products

Many cosmetic products such as body peelings or deodorants contain tiny plastic particles, so-called microplastics, for example made of polyethylene (PE) and…

UQ dipstick technology could revolutionize disease diagnosis

School of Agriculture and Food Sciences researcher Professor Jimmy Botella said the technology could extract DNA and RNA from living organisms in as little as…

Developmental Leaps on the Way to Becoming a Plant

During the development of higher life forms over the course of millions of years, there have always been significant and comparatively sudden leaps in…

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