lake sediments

Analysis of 2,000 Years of Climate Records Finds Global Cooling Trend Ended in the 19th Century

The most comprehensive evaluation of temperature change on Earth’s continents over the past 1,000 to 2,000 years indicates that a long-term cooling…

Fast-Shrinking Glacier Also Experienced Rapid Growth

The conclusion stems from new research on Jakobshavn Isbrae, a tongue of ice extending out to sea from Greenland’s west coast. Through an analysis of adjacent…

Dead midges reveal living conditions of fish

“It is actually just like a journey through time. Fish hardly leave any remains of their own when they die, but if we instead study the presence of organisms…

Arctic lakes help scientists understand climate change

An international team of scientists, led by Darrell Kaufman, a Northern Arizona University professor of geology and environmental science, recently completed a…

Recent Arctic Warming Reverses Millennia-long Cooling Trend

Warming from greenhouse gases has trumped the Arctic's millennia-long natural cooling cycle, suggests new research. Although the Arctic has been receiving less…

Midge bones in lake sediments reveal fish history

Acidification of land and water is one of the greatest environmental problems of modern time. Many European lakes still show obvious signs of acidification,…

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