human skin

Monell-led research identifies scent of melanoma

According to new research from the Monell Center and collaborating institutions, odors from human skin cells can be used to identify melanoma, the deadliest…

“Taxels” Convert Mechanical Motion to Electronic Signals

The arrays include more than 8,000 functioning piezotronic transistors, each of which can independently produce an electronic controlling signal when placed…

Silibinin, found in milk thistle, protects against UV-induced skin cancer

“When you have a cell affected by UV radiation, you either want to repair it or kill it so that it cannot go on to cause cancer. We show that silibinin does…

With you in the room, bacteria counts spike

“We live in this microbial soup, and a big ingredient is our own microorganisms,” said Jordan Peccia, associate professor of environmental engineering at Yale…

Cancer cells and stem cells share same origin

Oncogenes are generally thought to be genes that, when mutated, change healthy cells into cancerous tumor cells. Scientists at the Keck School of Medicine of…

For testing skin cream, synthetic skin may be as good as the real thing

Researchers compared the response of synthetic skins to rat skin when they were both exposed to a generic skin cream treatment, and the results indicated they…

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