human skin

No chance for house dust mites

On average a person spends 8 out of 24 hours asleep. Over a year, this is almost 3000 hours spent in bed, or rather, on a mattress. However, it's not just…

New measures taken at UNIGE call theories about endocytosis into question

Cellular biology still harbors mysteries. Notably, there is no unequivocal explanation behind endocytosis, the biological process that allows exchanges between…

Two-faced gene: SIRT6 prevents some cancers but promotes sun-induced skin cancer

Previously considered protective, SIRT6 is part of a family of seven proteins called sirtuins that help regulate genomic stability and prevent some of the…

Blood and lymphatic capillaries grown for the first time in the lab

Every year around 11 million people suffer severe burns. The resulting large, deep wounds caused by burning only heal slowly; this results in lifelong scars….

Scripps Research Institute Scientists Discover Important Wound-Healing Process

They found that these skin-resident immune cells function as “first responders” to skin injuries in part by producing the molecule known as interleukin-17A…

Whales feel the (sun)burn!

Research published today in Nature journal, Scientific Reports, reveals that not only do some species of whales get darker with sun exposure, incurring DNA…

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