fish stock

'Illusion of Plenty' Masking Collapse of Two Key Southern California Fisheries

The two most important recreational fisheries off Southern California have collapsed, according to a new study led by a researcher from Scripps Institution of…

Study helps assess global status of tuna and billfish stocks

A global study by an international team including professor John Graves of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science has found that several species of tunas and…

Double jeopardy: Tuna and billfish

A new study by top global fisheries experts presents an alarming assessment of several economically important fish populations. The analysis of 61 species of…

Prodigal plankton species makes first known migration from Pacific to Atlantic via Pole

Some 800,000 years ago – about the time early human tribes were learning to make fire – a tiny species of plankton called Neodenticula seminae went extinct in…

Optimum tax on foreign fishing in Africa protects stocks and domestic fishing

The United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea allows foreign fishing fleets to utilise the zones further out at sea, justifying this position by stating…

Bonefish Spawning Locale Discovered – They Do It Offshore

Now, University of Massachusetts Amherst researcher Andy Danylchuk and colleagues from several other institutions know far more about bonefish spawning habits…

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