Ultra-stable perovskite solar cell remains stable for more than a year

The lab of Mohammad Khaja Nazeeruddin at EPFL in collaboration with Michael Grätzel and Solaronix company has engineered what is known as 2D/3D hybrid…

A new tool for discovering nanoporous materials

The search for nanoporous materials

Control of molecular motion by metal-plated 3-D printed plastic pieces

Many measurement techniques, such as spectroscopy, benefit from the ability to split a single beam of light into two in order to measure changes in one of…

Nanotube film may resolve longevity problem of challenger solar cells

Five years ago, the world started to talk about third-generation solar cells that challenged the traditional silicon cells with a cheaper and simpler…

New discovery: Nanometric imprinting on fiber

The potential applications of this breakthrough are numerous. The imprinted designs could be used to impart certain optical effects on a fiber or make it…

A new perovskite could lead the next generation of data storage

As we generate more and more data, we need storage systems, e.g. hard drives, with higher density and efficiency. But this also requires materials whose…

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