carbon atom

Researchers Engineer New Methane-Production Pathway in Microorganism

A University of Arkansas researcher and his colleagues have created the first methane-producing microorganism that can metabolize complex carbon structures,…

Life thrives in porous rock deep beneath the seafloor

Matthew McCarthy, associate professor of ocean sciences at the University of California, Santa Cruz, led a team of researchers from several institutions who…

Light touch brightens nanotubes

Rice University researchers have discovered a simple way to make carbon nanotubes shine brighter.The Rice lab of researcher Bruce Weisman, a pioneer in…

Columbia engineering team discovers graphene's weakness

New York, NY November 29, 2010 In 2008, experiments at The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science at Columbia University established pure…

U of I scientists develop tool to trace metabolism of cancer-fighting tomato compounds

“Scientists believe that carotenoids—the pigments that give the red, yellow, and orange colors to some fruits and vegetables—provide the cancer-preventive…

How to soften a diamond

Dr. Lars Pastewka’s and Prof. Michael Moseler’s team at the Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials IWM in Freiburg/Germany can now reveal the secret…

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