atmospheric carbon

Two million-year-old ice cores provide first direct observations of an ancient climate

Gas bubbles trapped in the cores — which are the oldest yet recovered — contain pristine samples of carbon dioxide, methane and other gases that serve as…

Study looks to iron from microbes for climate help

Distributing iron particles produced by bacteria could “fertilize” microscopic ocean plants and ultimately lower atmospheric carbon levels, according to a new…

Rain is important for how carbon dioxide affects grasslands

An important, but uncertain, factor in climate research is the extent to which all ecosystems can accumulate carbon from the increasing atmospheric…

Climate change may favor large plant eaters over small competitors

Scientists have generally expected animals to get smaller as the planet warms, as research on the interactions in food webs has focused mainly on the effects…

Mid- and high-latitude northern hemisphere continues to absorb atmospheric carbon dioxide

Only about 45% of the anthropogenic CO₂ emissions from the burning of coal, oil and gas and from deforestation accumulate in the atmosphere, while the…

Biofuel produced by microalgae

In the modern society, energy generation heavily relies on fossil fuels, which, however, lead to environmental pollution and depletion of non-renewable…

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