aerobic exercise

Exercise is no quick cure for insomnia

Exercise is a common prescription for insomnia. But spending 45 minutes on the treadmill one day won't translate into better sleep that night, according to new…

A 20-minute bout of yoga stimulates brain function immediately after

Participants performed significantly better immediately after the yoga practice than after moderate to vigorous aerobic exercise for the same amount of time.The 30 study subjects were young, female, undergraduate students. The new findings appear in the Journal of Physical Activity and Health….

Exercise-related changes in estrogen metabolism may lower breast cancer risk

“Observational studies suggest physical activity lowers breast cancer risk, but there are no clinical studies that explain the mechanism behind this,” said…

Aerobic exercise trumps resistance training for weight and fat loss

The study, which appears Dec. 15, 2012, in the Journal of Applied Physiology, is the largest randomized trial to analyze changes in body composition from the…

Improved memory efficiency seen after aerobic exercise in fibromyalgia patients

Areas of the brain responsible for pain processing and cognitive performance changed in fibromyalgia patients who exercised following a medication holiday, say…

Aerobic exercise may reduce the risk of dementia

The researchers broadly defined exercise as enough aerobic physical activity to raise the heart rate and increase the body's need for oxygen. Examples include…

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