Science Education

Clean Fuels Catalyst Development Jumps on the Fast Track

The first, due to be delivered at the end of February 2008 will be used to speed up the development of Oxford Catalysts’ catalysts for hydrodesulphurisation…

SFI Attracts International Researchers to Ireland

Mr. Micheál Martin TD, Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, today announced details of a €44.55 million funding award that will create 67 new…

EuroBioForum Sows the Seeds for Future Life Sciences Initiatives in Europe

The EuroBioForum conference in Lisbon, Portugal on 6 and 7 December, organised by the European Science Foundation (ESF) and the European Commission (EC), with…

Korea Research Foundation eyes entry into ESF’s EUROCORES, Research Networking Programmes

At a recent workshop meeting in Seoul, Dr. Sang-Man Huh, the President of the KRF met with the Chief Executive of the ESF Dr. John Marks to discuss the…

UK Centre for Zoonosis Research to Open In Liverpool

Zoonoses are diseases that originate in animals but can jump species and infect humans. The new centre – which will be opened by Lord David Owen, the…

Making schools more successful for more students more of the time

The author, Professor Pam Sammons, from The University of Nottingham, will be presenting the findings at a launch event at the New Connaught Rooms in London at…

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