Information Technology

Here you can find a summary of innovations in the fields of information and data processing and up-to-date developments on IT equipment and hardware.

This area covers topics such as IT services, IT architectures, IT management and telecommunications.

System to aid the blind nominated for Descartes Prize

“Being nominated for the Descartes Prize is very gratifying; it’s an important recognition of our work,” says Teresa Gutierrez, coordinator of a short-listed project competing for the Descartes Prize for outstanding scientific work by a multinational team of researchers.

Involving six partners from four European countries, the IST GRAB project developed a system to allow blind and visually impaired people to access three-dimensional computer graphics through the senses of touch and

ORNL textile coding system weaving way to marketability

A textile marking system developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory that encodes information invisible to the naked eye could save the U.S. millions of dollars in revenue lost each year to counterfeiters and violators of trade laws.

While Mexican, Caribbean, African and Central American firms commonly use raw materials produced in the United States – and receive exemption from certain import tariffs – some manufacturers routinely falsify country-of-origin certification to avoid p

Image Retrieval From The Web & Archives

The World Wide Web allows us to access masses of information, both textual and visual. Conducting a search for images by entering a few keywords into a search engine is simple, but such a search often results in hundreds and sometimes thousands of images being returned. Many of these images will be totally unrelated to the subject of the search as current image searching is largely based on words rather than image content.

Oxford Inventors collaborating with colleagues at California In

An Ear For Robots

A fundamentally new approach to computer identification of words was been suggested by Russian scientists. With its help, people will be able to give orders even to the most primitive cellular phones.

A sentient being recognizes without difficulty a familiar word regardless of the voice and intonation it is pronounced with. “Six” or “eight” remain six and eight for a person no matter how they are pronounced – in a loud voice or in a whisper, in an excited or a calm voice, by the

Researchers launch innovative air pollution forecasting software

Researchers at the University of Essex will launch a software package this week designed to predict the exposure to pollution suffered by people in indoor urban environments.

The package, called the Urban Exposure Module, is a state-of-the-art, user-friendly management decision software tool aimed at helping administrators quantify and deal with the health risks associated with pollution in urban environments. Its use could help in the understanding and possibly prevention of m

Online analytical toolbox for cancer and other biomedical research

A new website, , offers a prototype for online access to an analytical toolbox that enables biomedical researchers to integrate dissimilar data from a variety of sources and extract the most useful information from it by posing queries.

Dr. Raj Acharya, professor of computer science who headed the site development project, says, “Right now, the prototype focuses on prostate cancer data but our online

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