Information Technology

Here you can find a summary of innovations in the fields of information and data processing and up-to-date developments on IT equipment and hardware.

This area covers topics such as IT services, IT architectures, IT management and telecommunications.

Developing the case for digital legal security

Bringing technology to the judiciary, European researchers are developing pilot applications that could speed up, clarify and provide secure access to legal procedures and a start-up company to promote the results.

With partners such as SAP, Thales and Unisys, the eJustice project aims to modernise the representation of legal procedures within countries, and between authorities of EU states.

Several pilot applications are being developed and evaluated.


New Nanoforum Website Launched

New look but same breadth of information

The new-look is the result of a critical evaluation of website functionality and a review of what registered users want from Nanoforum. The revamped website offers the same level of information and detail as before, but it is now easier to search for related information.

The homepage lists the latest news with quick links to events, organisations, calls and programs, and Nanoforum reports, with the number of entries in each li

Limoges launches Webdesign International Festival 2006

The Webdesign International Festival 2006, held in Limoges, in central France, will host three days of international competitions, lectures, debates, demonstrations, exhibitions and meetings focusing on interactive, web-based design from 2 to 4 February 2006. The University of Limoges is also setting up a training course in web-design skills. The first 20 candidates for the diploma in ’Sensorial web design and online creation strategies’ will begin their studies this October.


Microwavable chips for wireless communication

A recent EU project designed and developed a new demonstrator microchip that will dramatically cut the cost of producing new wireless products and could mean that a whole range of existing products will be enabled for wireless communication.

The IST-funded IMPACT project included industry heavyweights Ericsson and Philips who worked together to develop a new CMOS (complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor) chip that can transmit and receive microwave signals in the 5–24 GHz frequency

Still shellfish after 425 million years: Clam-like creature preserved perfectly in ancient fossil

An ancient shellfish not seen for 425 million years is recreated in vivid 3D images published today, following a unique fossil find in the UK.

The ’articulate brachiopod’ fossil, found in a quarry in Herefordshire, England, is the first of its kind to be preserved with its soft parts intact in 3D. It was discovered by Dr Mark Sutton of Imperial College London, who reveals the structure of the clam-like organism using a 3D colour computer model in this week’s Natu

New technology shows our ancestors ate…everything!

Using a powerful microscope and computer software, a team of scientists from Johns Hopkins, the University of Arkansas, Worcester Polytechnic Institute and elsewhere has developed a faster and more objective way to examine the surfaces of fossilized teeth, a practice used to figure out the diets of our early ancestors.

By comparing teeth from two species of early humans, Australopithecus africanus and Paranthropus robustus, the researchers confirm previous evidence that A. african

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