Information Technology

Here you can find a summary of innovations in the fields of information and data processing and up-to-date developments on IT equipment and hardware.

This area covers topics such as IT services, IT architectures, IT management and telecommunications.

Galileo GIOVE-A Successful Launch with Marotta Propulsion Systems On Board

Marotta UK Ltd is pleased to announce that it has designed, developed and qualified equipment for the cold gas propulsion systems on board the Galileo GIOVE-A, part of Europe’s Galileo navigation program, successfully launched by Surrey Satellite Technology, Ltd (SSTL).

The launch of the Galileo GIOVE-A, the first in a constellation of 30 satellites, marks Europe’s maiden entry into civilian-owned global positioning systems. The complete Galileo constellation (27 operational and 3 acti

Image processing for applications in artificial vision

For a robot to identify objects in a particular image, it is first necessary that it can “see” them. With this aim, in artificial vision, edge detectors are normally used, i.e. computer programmes that delimit the objects in an image and define the limits between them and the background, and between the different objects themselves. Edurne Barrenechea Tartas from Pamplona has designed one of these edge detectors and, after trials with a wide-ranging set of photographs, she has shown that the re

Management of quality in communication services

Traditionally, research works related to quality in telecommunication services have consisted of a series of analysis over a set of critical-to-quality technical parameters and a resulting enhancement proposal. However, in this Phd. Thesis we aim to face the quality issue from an overall point of view: Not only analysing the objective performance of those agents involved in service provision but also by trying to assess which is their effect in final users’ satisfaction, since this must be the fi

Information technologies reshaping the real estate landscape in unexpected ways

Computers and the Internet have been billed as enabling new ways of doing business, but in the residential real estate industry, people’s expanded access to information hasn’t rendered the real estate agent a relic, says a Penn State researcher. “The expectation was that real estate agents would go away once consumers could see all the home listing information, but the number of real estate agents has increased, not decreased, in the last 10 years,” says Steve Sawyer, associate pro

’Play’ model of information system design makes teammates of users and designers

“Play” or back-and-forth dialogue between users and designers can lead to IT systems that are more responsive to the subtleties and ambiguities of users’ different perspectives, say Penn State researchers.

And because it makes users and designers teammates during the development process, the “play” model also can reduce the multiple upgrades and updates that plague enterprise-wide or “Newspeak” solutions, says Frederico Fonseca, assistant professor in the School of Informati

ICT-LEAP e-education project launched to link universities worldwide

The European Commission, Directorate General for Education and Culture, congratulates Umeå University on the award of ICT-LEAP project, coordinated by Dr. Adi Anani. The project assists MEDA partners in accessing EU e-education technologies and opportunities.

The European Commission Head of Unit, Tempus – Erasmus Mundus, Mr. Augusto González, has warmly congratulated the successful application ICT-LEAP, Information and Communication Technologies Learning Pentagram. Apart from

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