Information Technology

Here you can find a summary of innovations in the fields of information and data processing and up-to-date developments on IT equipment and hardware.

This area covers topics such as IT services, IT architectures, IT management and telecommunications.

New technology uses radio to keep stock in order

Research financiers Vinnova in Sweden and Tekes in Finland have granted SEK 6 million to a Nordic research project in printed electronics and RFID, Radio Frequency Identification. Eventually RFID will replace bar codes on packaging, for example. With the help of radio technology, many items can then be identified at the same time, which is of great value in taking inventory, for instance. The research project was initiated by a research team in RFID technology at Mid Sweden University.


Technology too good to give up for Lent

A survey has revealed that girls would miss their mobile phones most if they were denied them for 40 days while boys would not want to live without the Internet.

The poll, which was conducted by the University of Hertfordshire in the run up to the University’s 40th anniversary of the degree in Computer Science, asked students what technology they would miss most if they had to give it up for 40 days and which would they happily live without.

Respondents were asked to in

Through vessels in the fastest possible way

Syngo iPilot supports physicians during interventions

Global Positioning Systems for cars search for the fastest and most practical way to reach a specific destination. The software function syngo iPilot from Siemens Medical Solutions (Med) works in a similar way: It supports the physician in guiding the catheter as smoothly as possible through the arteries during interventional procedures. During this time, syngo iPilot visualizes the two-dimensional fluoro image, which appears in

Detecting unknown computer viruses

PhD Student Tom Lysemose is the world’s first to have developed software that is able to effectively detect attacks by an unknown computer virus.

Possible customers include the large anti-virus companies. A problem with today’s anti-virus software is that they can only protect from known viruses. Unknown viruses are not stopped.

A great number of viruses exist. Some of these viruses need active handling by the user in order to infect a computer, such as when someone is tri

Computer scientist sorts out confusable drug names

Was that Xanex or Xanax? Or maybe Zantac? If you’re a health care professional you’d better know the difference–mistakes can be fatal.

An estimated 1.3 million people in the United States alone are injured each year from medication errors, and the U.S. Federal Drug Administration (FDA) has been working to reduce the possibilities of these errors, such as a documented case in which a patient needed an injection of Narcan but received Norcuron and went into cardiac a

Software to bring order to information chaos

A new software system that enables faster and more comprehensive analysis of vast quantities of information is so effective that it not only creates order out of chaos and allows computers to perform tasks that before only people could perform, it is also creating new information from old data.

“Our greatest contribution was to create a framework for integrating structured and unstructured information,” says Dr Babis Theodoulidis, Senior Lecturer at the University of Manchester’s Inst

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