The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)'s Department of Building and Real Estate (BRE) has made great strides in tailoring construction virtual technology…
Peggi Clouston, associate professor in wood mechanics, and Sanjay Arwade, assistant professor in civil and environmental engineering, are creating the…
The used Euro-palettes module: A flexible construction that may be easily built up and also disassembled, which is not only cost-efficient, but also…
This week, inaugural tests at The University of Western Ontario’s ‘Three Little Pigs’ project at The Insurance Research Lab for Better Homes will begin to…
The structure, which resembled a parking garage, went through a series of earthquake jolts as powerful as magnitude 8.0. The one-million pound precast concrete…
Originally launched in 1.52- and 2.28-mm (60- and 90-mil) thicknesses, DuPont™ SentryGlas® immediately helped architects and engineers meet toughened building…