Trade Fair News

Fraunhofer IDMT demonstrates its method for acoustic quality inspection at »Sensor+Test 2019« in Nürnberg

Reducing machine downtime, manufacturing defects, and excessive scrap

Release agent-free: ReleasePLAS® technology replaces silicone coating in wax injection molding

The investment casting process is used when filigree structures or particularly high-quality surfaces are required for the cast component being produced. The…

Successfully Tested in Praxis: Bidirectional Sensor Technology Optimizes Laser Material Deposition

Fraunhofer ILT has been developing optical sensor technology specifically for production measurement technology for around 10 years. In particular, its »bd-1«…

New high-power LED modules

Compared to its smaller LEDMOD.V2 version the new Omicron LED modules LEDMOD.HP offer higher output powers and a wider selection of available wavelengths for…

Diode laser with fast analogue modulation

Under the name LuxX.HSA, laser specialist Omicron introduces a new diode laser series that sets new standards in modulation speed.

Robot-assisted sensor system for the quality monitoring of hybrid parts and components

Time-consuming destructive inspection methods used in quality assurance result in enormous costs, as the product is damaged or even destroyed during the…

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