water temperature

Honduran earthquake of 2009 destroyed half of coral reefs of Belizean Barrier Reef lagoon

Earth's coral reefs have not been faring well in recent decades, facing multiple threats from pollution, disease, elevated water temperatures, and overfishing….

Tropical coral could be used to create novel sunscreens for human use, say scientists

The team has begun to uncover the genetic and biochemical processes behind how these compounds are produced and eventually hope to recreate them synthetically…

New Study Shows that Florida’s Reefs Cannot Endure a ‘Cold Snap’

Remember frozen iguanas falling from trees during Florida’s 2010 record-breaking cold snap? Well, a new study led by scientists at the University of Miami (UM)…

Severe low temperatures devastate coral reefs in Florida Keys

Now, researchers at the University of Georgia have found that extreme low temperatures affect certain corals in much the same way that high temperatures do,…

'Thermal pollution' in rivers not fully mediated by gravel augmentation

Although adding gravel to a river to replace lost sediments won't likely cool the whole river channel, it can create cool water refuges that protect fish from…

Research ship Polarstern returns from Antartica

The research vessel Polarstern of the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in the Helmholtz Association will arrive back at its homeport of…

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