solar energy

MIT researchers develop solar-to-fuel roadmap for crystalline silicon

Bringing the concept of an “artificial leaf” closer to reality, a team of researchers at MIT has published a detailed analysis of all the factors that could…

New fabrication technique could provide breakthrough for solar energy systems

For years, scientists have studied the potential benefits of a new branch of solar energy technology that relies on incredibly small nanosized antenna arrays…

Liquid metal makes silicon crystals at record low temperatures

Silicon dioxide, or sand, makes up about 40 percent of the earth's crust, but the industrial method for converting sand into crystalline silicon is expensive…

IRENA and Fraunhofer ISE sign Memorandum of Understanding

The International Renewable Energy Agency IRENA and the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to enhance…

UIC scientists find ancient microbes in salty, ice-sealed Antarctic lake

The finding, described in this week's issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, is surprising because previous studies indicate that the…

KESTCELLS: New EU research consortium aims to develop a network for researchers in photovoltaics

The University of Luxembourg team lead by Professor Susanne Siebentritt, head of the Laboratory for Photovoltaics, Physics Research Unit, has joined the…

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